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Contact Us Petition Box

Veronica asked Our Lady if the petitions of all those present and those sent to the Shrine could be granted, if in the will of the Father. Our Lady said:

Our Lady:  “Many will be granted their supplications, but many will also have to bear their crosses of illness in order to purify their souls, to enter the Kingdom. 

They will eliminate their stay in purgatory by cleansing their souls as victim souls upon earth and suffering for the weak... will be given from My Shrine.”  

[Our Lady extended Her arms in a gesture of love to all and returned with the angels into the distant sky.]   August 21, 1971


Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers Shrine,
P. O. Box 52, Bayside NY 11361 
718.961.8865 Voicemail 
917.969.6900 Cell 

Write Your Petition / Escriba su Petición

Please write your Petitions and names of your loved ones on the space provided below, they will be placed in the Shrine this year of Faith under the feet of Our Lady's Miraculous Shrine Statue that Our Lady appeared over to Veronica during the Rosary Vigils at the Shrine Sacred Grounds.

We will not share your private information. Your messages, requests, petitions, testimonials, etc. will all be handled with strict confidentiality. Any and all messages, attachments and photos will become property of Our Lady of the Roses. We reserve the right to post them anonymously. Our Lady of the Roses does not give any monetary compensation for photos, attachments or texts submitted through our website. By clicking on this box you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions.
