The Year 2023

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Jacinta 1972 The Booklet
Jacinta 1972 Explained

A-C into, I-N-T-O, mitres 1972. Our Lord Jesus: “Repeat that well, My child.”
Veronica: Antichrist into mitres 1972."

 “My child, the picture Jacinta must be read now by all of earth's children.” Our Lady asked that all read and examine the picture well. It is one of the greatest gifts given to mankind in these latter days, a manifestation from Heaven. All who are in the light will recognize and interpret the photograph Jacinta 1972, and they will not be taken unawares.” December 7, 1978

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Our Lady: “O My children, I could give you countless sins, errors in teaching, naming them, listing them hour by hour, so great have they multiplied since My first visit among you. Needless to say, all are being marked with the sign of the cross or the sign of the beast. As time goes on, My children of light, you will be able to recognize with your human eyes, through insight from the Eternal Father in the Spirit, those who are marked with the sign of the cross or the beast. Many prodigies, many miracles shall be performed upon earth; but watch well, My children, and pray upon them, for there are now many false prophets loosed upon earth. There will be many manifestations in the air and on land, but many of these shall come from the prince of darkness in the power he now retains. Test the spirits well and pray.” July 25, 1978

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Exerpts from the Vgil of December 7, 1973

St. Michael: Listen and heed well the warning from the Queen of Heaven. You have chosen to close your ears to these warnings. There will come upon the earth a great cataclysm in the heavens. In this manner you will be forced to acknowledge your God. Man has offended the Creator too long. Make atonement now, for your time grows short.

Our Lady: My child, science has placed itself above the Creator. Scientists cannot know and be knowledgeable in the ways of the Father. They know not to differentiate between the soul and the human body. You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your country and throughout the world. Only in this way will the Father lessen the extent of the coming Warning upon your city, your country, and the world.

Our Lord Jesus- Wear your sacramentals, and retire now into a life of prayer and self-sacrifice. This will please the Father much and mitigate much of a Warning to you. However, the scale has not been balanced to the satisfaction of the Father, and now there must be an intercession from Heaven. We send upon you many graces from the Father, graces for conversion and cure.